Honorary Degrees
1918 - Present

Lord Frederick Edward Robin Butler of Brockwell
Doctor of Laws  2002
Status: conferred

Lord Butler of Brockwell (Frederick Edward Robin Butler), public servant, educator, and Master of University College, Oxford, served for many years as Cabinet Secretary during the administrations of Margaret Thatcher, John Major, and Tony Blair in the United Kingdom. In this capacity he headed Britain's entire Civil Service. In 1998 he was made a life peer and a member of the Royal Commission charged with reforming the House of Lords. Moving beyond the houses of Parliament, his generous spirit and deft leadership have enhanced the lives of the students, faculty, and graduates of University College, Oxford. His hospitality is bestowed yearly upon SMU students and faculty because University College has long been the home of the SMU-in-Oxford and Dedman School of Law summer programs. For his deep engagement as high public servant and leader of a great educational institution, Southern Methodist University is honored to confer upon Lord Butler the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.